Bake material

Bake material

Bake material

Bake material is used to correctly display the following textures : CoronaAo, VrayDirt, CoronaMultiMap, VrayMultiSubtex and MultiTexture. As default we don’t bake material.
Why is Bake material turned off by default?
Suggestion: Bake material is expensive for performance so instead of using the multimap types mentioned above, use multiMtl and only use CoronaAo, VrayDirt when absolutely necessary.

To activate Bake material:

  • Use “Validate” window to select all object with a texture that requires baking.
  • Select objects that you wanna bake then check the “Bake material” checkbox. That’s complete.
  • image
When the object has texture that requires baking but the ”Bake material” checkbox is unchecked, then we will automatically transfer material by another method. The result of this method will be different from original material.
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