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Viz4D Plugin
Rebake lightmap
Rebake lightmap is used to change lighting, change lightmap resolution and fix lightmap errors after you upload scene.
Step 1. Open Max file and Viz4D plugin
- Open file .max with ‘v4_rebake_’ in the name. It was saved in the same directory as your original Max file.
- At the main menu bar, open the Viz4D menu and click on the “Open Viz4D Plugin” item.
You can rebake lightmap as many times as you want. It’s free of charge.
Step 2. Check status
Check the imported status. If the status is ❌, click the “Import processed meshes” button to turn the status to “OK”.
The imported status must be “OK” before taking the next steps.
Step 3. There’re 2 uses, choose your uses case and follow the instruction:
Change lightmap setting and change lighting
Fix lightmap error
Step 4. Rebake lightmap
Must do this if you rebake lightmap for a duplicated scene:Let’s change the current ID in “Uploaded Scene ID” in Viz4D Plugin:
There are 2 buttons: rebake all and rebake selection. These 2 buttons have the same effect, the only difference is:
Rebake All | will bake all object in your scene |
Rebake Selected | will bake the objects that you selected |
To save time to bake lightmap, select the objects that need to rebake and then click “Rebake selected” button. If you need to rebake the whole scene, click the “Rebake all” button.
When lightmap rebaking is complete, the below window will appear:
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