Frequently asked

Frequently asked

Frequently asked questions

General information

What does Viz4D's SaaS service include?
Are my models safe with Viz4D?
Why should you use Viz4D in visualization?
What software does Viz4D support?
What does Viz4D process on the cloud server?
What is behind Viz4D’s SAAS?
How do I use Viz4D for Sketchup, Revit and other 3D applications?
Who is behind Viz4d?
How do I get help?

Upload and edit scene by Viz4D

How to prepare the file before uploading it?
What can I do if Max instance has broken while uploading?
Should I optimize mesh and texture by myself before uploading it?
How to design 3D scenes to load quickly, and interact smoothly on any device at low cost?
Why should you bake lightmaps by yourself?
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